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Monday, October 14, 2013

5 Disorders That Follow Risky Weight Loss Programs

Eating disorders often begin as diet plans but later escalate due to wrong choices of food plus strong emotional needs affecting the self-image, choices of food and bodyweight of the victims. These people may succeed in losing weight but often at the detriment of their health.

1. Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is a condition mainly common in young women. In an attempt to have the perfect or ideal body size (or at least look like a model), they reduce their food intake to a level whereby they have little or no feelings for hunger. Victims of anorexia nervosa excessively lose weight at the detriment of their health. These people appear normal at first, and their friends may believe that they are just committed to their weight loss program, but they later they begin to lose their health.

2. Bulimia Nervosa

This is another eating disorder associated with risky weight loss programs. Interestingly, it involves excessive eating. Victims are usually women and sometimes men who aim to lose weight or maintain their weight. They develop a binge/purge lifestyle such that they eat excessively and later purge. They may use medicines like ipecac syrup to purge or a diuretic to increase the quantity of their urine. Some others engage excessively in exercise to burn off the excess calories they intentionally took.

Thus, bulimics get hungry (unlike anorexics that do not get hungry anymore) and overeat but tackle their guilt by purging.

3. Binge Eating Disorder

There is a tendency to binge-eat in an attempt to spread your food throughout a day instead of taking a heavy lunch or dinner. Binge-eating is part of the symptoms of Bulimia but may also occur alone.

However, people who suffer from this eating disorder eat too much and uncontrollably. These people may be suffering from a deep emotional trauma and probably binge-eat to offset this feelings of anxiety or low self-esteem etc

4. Night Eating Syndrome

Another eating disorder that may follow risky weight loss programs is night eating syndrome. These patients starve (follow an anorexic eating pattern) throughout the day and binge (eat excessively or uncontrollably) late at night. This habit has a very harmful effect on the body.

5. Compulsive Exercising

Some people exercise for about 6 hours or more due to deep emotional problems like insecurity, and thus, they cause more harm to their body.

Therefore, you must be aware of these tendencies during your weight loss program for your safety and others.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight Fast In A Week

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