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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Exercise For Weight Control As Well As Weight Loss

Have you plunged into a weight loss endeavor, and found yourself reducing your weight as planned? If so, congratulations!

However: now comes the importance of staying power. Once you shed a fair amount of weight, you'll want to switch to thinking weight control as well as weight loss. For one thing, what if you're successful in losing weight, and get to the healthy target you have in mind? Do you just call it quits, and rest on your laurels? If you do, the forward progress may not last. The excess weight could return when you go back to the old ways of doing things, and it may storm back with a vengeance.

Weight maintenance is every bit as challenging, and important, as weight loss. Weight control encompasses both endeavors. Exercise along with optimum intake is the key to long-term weight control.

Inactivity will work against you, for sure. But realize the flip side of complete inactivity: over-training. Excessive exercise is an endeavor you want to avoid. So many folks do no exercise or close to it, then experiment with some physical training--and then go completely overboard, jumping into exercise "boot camps," running their bodies into the ground and suffering overuse injuries. Please don't subscribe to the lunacy of trying to make up 2 or 5 or 15 years of inactivity in a month.

Resist the need to see fast weight loss and leap into insane levels of training. Instead, embrace an ongoing fitness philosophy: rather than focusing on fast weight loss, aim to improve your health and physical capability for the future with sensible and consistent exercise. The weight loss will sneak up and suddenly appear. And your ongoing exercise habits will work to keep you there. You'll see!

For More Related Topics Blog: Diet And Exercise For Weight Loss

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